The Early Intervention Program is designed to provide eligible infant and toddlers and their families with the support and services necessary to improve their quality of life and health and developmental outcomes. We are committed to delivering individualized services and creating a caring, supportive environment staffed by knowledgeable specialists who respect the dignity of each child and family within our program.
Our services are free and completely voluntary.
Who Is Eligible?
Any child with one or more developmental challenges or diagnostic conditions associated with developmental delays is eligible for our Early Intervention Program. We offer caring EI services based on Early Intervention Standards defined by the EOHHS, Rhode Island’s leading EI agency, as well as the RI Regulations that govern all EI programs across the state.
Exploring the Groden Center Early Intervention Program (EIP)
Full-Service EIP
Our EIP serves eligible children under three years of age diagnosed with a developmental disability or who may have a developmental delay. All service offerings are personalized to the children we serve. A treatment plan is determined based on the family and EI team working together. Our services may include any of the following:
Assessment of the child’s developmental functioning
The development of an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
Service coordination
Monitoring progress, and transition to the local education agency at age three
Scheduled visits (in-home, community or center based) to support overall development including communication skills, positive social interactions, emotional development and help achieve developmental milestones. (Walking, talking, playing, feeding, and sleeping)
Small groups (usually 3 professionals to 5 children) to develop skills in communication, attention, imitation, social interaction, and play.
Currently subject to availability
Parent groups meet each time a child attends a playgroup. In addition, parent education groups may be scheduled to address specific topics of interest to families.
Currently subject to availability
EI staff can work with families and children in natural environments in the community on an individual basis or with small groups during community outings. (Playgrounds, children's museums and other public venues)
EIP staff also provide consultation to daycare centers or other programs as requested.
How to Make a Referral
Our full-service EIP accepts direct referrals from family members, physicians, or other community partners working with families.
To make a referral, contact Meggan Lowell, Groden Center Early Intervention Director, at 401-525-2380 ext. 1246 or email To reach us by fax: (401) 525-2382.
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Through play and sensory experiences, step into the neurodiverse world and learn about autism in an interactive way. The Game Night Gala will feature life-sized games, friendly competition, and a chance to celebrate the remarkable triumphs of the individuals we serve.