Empowering Clients and Families
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Books Articles Scales and Surveys
Groden Center Publications
The Groden Center, Inc. directs and supports comprehensive research as a part of its mission to assist children and adults with autism, other developmental disabilities, and behavioral challenges to lead productive, dignified, and satisfying lives.
Research findings are disseminated through scholarly publications (e.g., books, book chapters, journal articles), presentations at scientific conferences, and teaching activities via seminars and workshops. Books are available online, or by e-mailing Teresa Valentine (teresa.valentine@grodencenter.org). Please indicate the publication name and the number of copies requested. Please do not send credit card information by email.
Published Books and Chapters
Groden, J., Woodard, C., Weidenman, L. (2020). Stress and autism: Adapted coping interventions for everyone on the spectrum (pp. 149-198). In Edleson, S. M., and Johnson, J. B. (Eds.), Understanding and treating anxiety in autism. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Groden, J., Weidenman, L., Diller, A. (2016). Relaxation – A comprehensive manual for children and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities, 2nd edition. Champagne, IL: Research Press.
Groden J, Weidenman, L, & Woodard, C.R. (2016). A stress-reduction approach to addressing self-injurious behavior in individuals with autism. In S.M. Edelson & J. Botsford Johnson (Eds.), Understanding and treating self-injurious behavior in autism (pp. 231-275). London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Groden, J., Kantor, A., Woodard, C., Lipsitt, L.P. (2011). How everyone on the autism spectrum young and old, can…become resilient, be more optimistic, enjoy humor, be kind, and increase self-efficacy. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Woodard, C. (2010). The courage to be authentic: Empirical and existential perspectives. In Pury, C., & Lopez, S. (Eds.) The psychology of courage: Modern research on an ancient virtue. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Weidenman, L.E., LeVasseur, P., Groden J., Groden, G., & Niederer, C. (2008) The Groden Network of programs for preschool education. In Handleman, J. and Harris, S. L. (Eds.) Preschool education programs for children with autism (3rd ed.). Austin, TX: Pro.Ed.
Baron, M.G., Groden, J., Groden, G., & Lipsitt, L.P. (2006). Stress and coping in autism. New York: Oxford University Press.
Groden, G., & Groden, J. (2002) Covert positive reinforcement. ln M. Hersen & W. Sledge (Eds.), Encyclopedia of psychotherapy (pp. 587-592). New York: Academic Press.
Groden, J., LeVasseur, P., Diller, A., & Cautela, J. (2001). Coping with stress through picture rehearsal: A how-to manual for working with individuals with autism and developmental disabilities. Providence, RI: The Groden Center, Inc.
Groden, J., Spratt, R., Fiske, P., & Weisberg, P. (1999). Intensive early intervention and beyond: A schoolbased inclusion program. Video guide to Breaking the Barriers III. Providence, RI: The Groden Center, Inc.
Groden, J., & Groden, G. (1997). Initiating and administering programs: Alternative settings. In D.]. Cohen & F.R. Volkmar (Eds.), Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorders, 2nd Ed. (pp. 676-690).
Groden, G., Stevenson, S., & Groden, J. (1996). Understanding challenging behavior: A step-by-step behavior analysis guide. Providence, RI: Groden Center, Inc.
Groden, J., & LeVasseur, P. (1995). Cognitive picture rehearsal: A system to teach self-control. Ln K. Quill (Ed.), Teaching children with autism: Strategies to enhance communication and socialization (pp. 287-305). Albany, NY: Delmar Publishing, Inc.
Pueschel, S.M., Scola, P.S., Weidenman, L. E., & Bernier, J.C. (1995) The special child: A source book for parents of children with developmental disabilities (2nd ed.). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Groden, J., Cautela, J. R., Prince, S., & Berryman, J. (1994). The impact of stress and anxiety on individuals with autism and developmental disabilities. ln E. Schopler & G.B. Mesibov (Eds.), Behavioral issues in autism (pp. 177-194). New York: Plenum Press.
Groden, J. (1993). The use of covert procedures to reduce severe aggression in a person with retardation and behavioral disorders. In J. Cautela & A. Kerney (Eds.), Covert conditioning casebook (pp. 144-151). Belmont, CA: Cole Publishing.
Groden, G. (1992). The treatment of inappropriate emotional responding to criticism by a young man with autism using covert reinforcement. In J.R. Cautela & A.J. Kearney (Eds.), Covert conditioning casebook (pp. 135-143). Belmont, CA: Cole Publishing.
Baron, G., & Dondey, C. (1992). The use of covert conditioning to treat stress-induced asthma in a young child with autism. in J.R. Cautela & A.]. Kearney (Eds.), Covert conditioning casebook (pp. 119-125). Belmonr, CA: Cole Publishing.
Hugenin, N. H., Weidenman, L. E., & Mulick, J. A. (1991) Programmed instruction. In Matson, J. L., and Mulick, J. A., (Eds.) Comprehensive handbook of mental retardation (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Pergamon Press.
Groden, J., Cautela, J. R., LeVasseur, P., Groden G., & Bausman, M. (1991). Video guide to Breaking the Barriers II. Providence, RI: The Groden Center, Inc.
Pueschel, S. M., Bernier, J. M., & Weidenman, L. E. (1988) The special child: A source book for parents of children with developmental disabilities. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Groden, J., Baron, G., Pentecost, A., & Stevenson, S. E. (1988). A systems approach for educators and clinicians working with persons with autism: Putting it all together. In G. Groden & M.G. Baron (Eds.), Autism: Strategies for change (pp.204-236). New York: Gardner Press
Baron, G., & Stevenson, S. E. (1988). Teaching for performance: A guide for preparing clinicians and teachers of the severely handicapped. In G. Groden & M.G. Baron (Eds.), Autism: Strategies for change (pp. 179-201). New York: Gardner Press.
Groden, J., Baron, G., & Cautela, J. R. (1988). Behavioral programming: Expanding our clinical repertoire. In G. Groden & M.G. Baron (Eds.), Autism: Strategies for change (pp. 49-73). New York: Gardener Press
Groden, J., & Groden, G. (1985) Commentary on symbolic play in severely mentally retarded and autistic children. In A. Donnellan (Ed.), Classic readings in autism (p. 342- ). New York: Teachers College Press.
Groden, J., Groden, G., Baron, G., & Stevenson, S. E. (1984). Day treatment services for children with severe behavior disorders. In W.P. Christian, G.T. Hannah, & T.J. Glahn (Eds.), Programming effective human services (pp. 337-355). New York: Plenum Publishing.
Groden, G. (1978). The role of reinforcement in learning and relaxation. In J.R. Cautela & J. Groden, Relaxation: A comprehensive manual for adults, children, and children with special needs (pp. xv-xvi). Champagne, IL: Research Press.
Baron, G., & Cautela, J. R. (1977). Eliminating the self-injurious behavior of a young psychiatric inpatient. In D. Upper (Ed.), Perspectives in behavior therapy (pp. 103-125). Kalamazoo, MI: Behavior Press.
Scales and Surveys Created at the Groden Center
Stress Survey Schedule (SSS) (2001)
Assessment Scale of Positive Character Traits (ASPeCT-DD) (2009)
Detailed Behavior Report (DBR) (2001)
Groden Center Videos
Groden, J., Spratt, R., & Fiske, P. (1998). Breaking the barriers III: Intensive early intervention and beyond: A school-based inclusion program. Providence, RI: The Groden Center, Inc.
Groden, J., Cautela, J. R., & Groden, G. (1991). Breaking the barriers II: Imagery procedures for people with special needs. Providence, RI: The Groden Center, Inc.
J., Cautela, J. R., & Groden, G. (1989). Breaking the barriers: The use of relaxation for people with special needs. Providence, RI: The Groden Center, Inc.
Published Articles
Harmony, C., Woodard, C.R. (2020) Mindfulness Training for Staff in a School for Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities: Effects on Staff Mindfulness and Student Behavior. Adv Neurodev Disord. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41252-020-00148-9.
Woodard, C. R., Harmony, C., Groden, J., & Audet, K. (2019). A comparison of the Stress Survey Schedule in children with autism and typically developing children: A brief report. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-02004616-y.
Woodard, C. R., Chung, J. (2018). Feasibility of a play-based intervention set for toddlers with autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 80, 24-34.
Boyd, B., Woodard, C., & Bodfish, J. (2013). Feasibility of exposure response prevention to treat repetitive behaviors of children with autism and an intellectual disability: A brief report. Autism, 17(2), 205 - 212.
Woodard, C., Goodwin, M., Zelazo, P., Aube, D., Scrimgeour, M., Ostholthoff, T., & Brickley, M. (2012). A comparison of autonomic, behavioral, and parent-report measures of sensory sensitivity in young children with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 6, 1234-1246.
Boyd, B., Woodard, C., & Bodfish, W. (2011). Modified exposure and response prevention to treat the repetitive behaviors of a child with autism: A case report. Case Reports in Psychiatry 2011, 5 pages. Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
Durand, V., & Groden, J. (Fall/Winter 2011). Dare to dream for individuals with autism and for yourself. Autism Advocate, 42-47.
Woodard, C., & Van Reet, J. (2011). Object identification and imagination: An alternative to the metarepresentational explanation of autism. Journal of Autism Dev Disord, 41: 213-226.
Woodard, C. (2009). Psychometric properties of the ASPeCT-DD: Measuring positive traits in persons with developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 1-12.
Carlson, J., Luiselli, J., Slyman, A., & Markowski, A. (2008). Choice-making as intervention for public disrobing in children with developmental disabilities. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 10(2), 86–90.
Goodwin, M. (2008) Enhancing and Accelerating the Pace of Autism Research and Treatment: The Promise of Developing Innovative Technology. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 23(2):125-128.
Picard, R., & Goodwin, M. (2008). Innovative Technology. The future of personalized autism research and treatment. Autism Advocate First Edition 2008. 32-39.
Goodwin, M., Groden, J., Velicer, W.F., & Diller, A. (Fall 2007). Brief report: Validating the stress survey schedule for persons with autism and other developmental disabilities. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 22(3) 183-189.
Groden, J., LeVasseur, P., Diller, A., & Kantor, A. Relax. (Fall 2007). Autism Spectrum Quarterly. 20-22.
Groden, J., LeVasseur, P., Diller, A. (Winter 2007). Picture this! Autism Spectrum Quarterly.
Kantor, A. & Groden, J. (Summer 2007). Recreation and leisure; My own world. Autism and Related Developmental Disabilities: Special Interest Group Newsletter. Vol.23, Issue 3.
Woodard, C., Groden, J., Goodwin, M., & Bodfish, J. (2007). A placebo double-blind pilot study of dextromethorphan for problematic behaviors in children with autism. The International Journal of Autism, 11(1), 29-42.
Woodard, C. & Pury, C. (2007). The construct of courage: Categorization and measurement. Consulting Psychologist Journal: Practice and Research, 59(2), 135-147.
Goodwin, M.S., Groden, J., Velicer, W.F., Lipsitt, LP., Baron, M.G., Huffman, S.G., & Groden, G. (2006). Cardiovascular arousal in individuals with autism. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 21(2), 100-123.
Groden, J., LeVassem, P., & Goodwin, M.S. (2006). Stress and autism: Coping and self-control techniques for those on the autism spectrum. Autism Advocate, 43(3), 36-41.
Groden, J., Goodwin, M.S., Baron, M.G., Groden, G., Velicer, W.F., Lipsitt, LP., Hofmann, S.G., & Plummer, B. (2005). Assessing cardiovascular responses to stressors in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 20(4), 244- 252.
Woodard, C., Groden, J., Goodwin, M., Shanower, C., & Bianco,]. (2005). The treatment of the behavioral sequelae of autism with Dextromethorphan : A case report. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 35(4), 515-518.
Goodwin, M.S, Considine, S., Groden, J., Baron, G., Groden, G., Velicer, W.F., Lipsitt, LP., & Hofmann, S.H. (2004, Summer). Exploring heart rate responses to stereotypical behavior in an individual with autism. Association for Behavior Analysis' Autism and related developmental disabilities special interest group newsletter, 20(3), 1-4.
Woodard, C. (2004). Hardiness and the concept of courage. Consulting Psychologist Journal: Practice and Research, 56(3), 173-185.
Groden, G., & Lantz, S. (2001). The reliability of the Detailed Behavior Report (DBR) in documenting functional assessment observations. Behavioral Interventions, 16, 15-25.
Groden, J., Diller, A., Bausman, M., Velicer, W., Norman, G., & Caucela, J. (2001). The development of a Stress Survey Schedule for Persons with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 31(2), 207-217.
Groden, G., Groden, J., & Stevenson, S. (1997). Facilitating comprehensive behavioral assessments. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 12(1), 49-52.
Knapp, L. G., Barrett, R. P., Groden, G., & Groden, J. (1992). The nature and prevalence of fears in developmentally disabled children and adolescents: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 4(3), 195-203.
Stevenson, S.E., Groden, G., Groden, J. (1992) Staff training: Meeting the needs of personnel, clients, and service providers. Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy’s Autism Special Interest Group Newsletter, 7(2), 1, 5-8.
Baron, G. (1991, July). Easing transitions for persons with autism. The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter, 7(7), 1-2.
Groden, G. (1989). A guide for conducting a comprehensive behavioral analysis of a target behavior. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 20(2), 163-169.
Groden, ]., & Cautela,J. R. (1988). Procedures to increase social interaction among adolescents with autism: A multiple baseline analysis. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 19(2), 87-93.
Groden, G., Groden, J., Dondey, M., Zane, T., Pueschel, D., & Velicer, W. (1987). Effects of fenfluramine on the behavior of autistic individuals. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 8, 203-211.
Pueschel, S., Herman, R. & Groden, G. (1985) Brief report: Screening children with autism for fragile-X syndrome and phenylketonuria. Journal of Autism and Develoopmental Disorders 15, 335–338.
Groden, J., Baron, G., & Groden, G. (1984). The need for the development of self-control procedures with the autistic population. Proceedings from the Annual Meeting and the Conference of the National Society for Children and Adults with Autism (NSAC), (pp. 198- 220). Washington, DC.
Groden, J., & Cautela, J. R. (1984). Use of imagery procedures with students labeled "Trainable Retarded." Psychological Reports, 54, 595-605.
Baron, G., & Cautela, J. R. (1983). Imagery assessment with normal and special needs children. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 3(1), 17-30.
Groden, G., Domingue, 0., Chesnick, M., Groden, J., & Baron, G. (1983). Early intervention with autistic children: A case presentation with pre-program, program, and follow-up data. Psychological Reports, 53, 715-722.
Groden, G., Domingue, D., Pueschel, S., & Deignan, L. (1982). Behavioral/emotional problems in mentally retarded children and youth. Psychological Reports, 51, 143-146.
Groden, G., & Cautela, J. R. (1981). Behavior therapy: A survey of procedures for counselors. The Personnel and Guidance Journal, 60(3), 175-180.
Cautela, J. and Baron, G. (1977) Covert Conditioning: A Theoretical Analysis. Behavior Modification. 1(3):351-368.